You are called to follow your heart. First, you come to a river where you cross, submerging yourself fully. As you are in the wild waters you see a young deer trying to climb the bank, though she keeps slipping and falling into the water. Calmly you approach her offering to help her up the bank. She excepts.

Gathering your strength, you gently push her from behind, helping her to the top. She turns and thanks you. As you climb the bank, where the deer stood you find a rawhide. You know to take it. So you do, with blessings and gratitudewith your Ritual Drum. And so you do, with blessings and gratitude.

You continue your journey. Across your path lays a fallen tree with an enormous trunk and the only way forward is to climb it, so you do. As you arrive on the other side, there is a beautiful hand-crafted hoop made from the fallen tree. You know to take it, and so you do with blessings and gratitude.

As you continue on your path, a mother Wolf is standing in front of you with a cub by her side. Your heart is racing not knowing what to do. You breathe slowly, opening your heart and the wolf connects, feeling the stillness from your slow, full breath. Mind to mind, the wolf shows you that her cub has got a very sharp twig pierced into his foot and can’t walk. With a knowing you have to remove the sharp twig, you do. The cub and mother Wolf are grateful.

You look down at the twig and you see that it is growing into a small branch. You know you are to keep this. So you do.

Up ahead you smell the sweet scent of sacred incense. There is a natural circular clearing in the trees. A Medicine Woman is standing next to a fire playing her drum. She calls you forward and you place your sacred items on the ground. You both look at each other eye to eye, heart to heart, and you know it's time to birth your Ritual Drum. And so you do.


The Ritual Drum is an open-backed drum that has a stick through the middle for the handle. It's played predominately with a beater and can be played with the hands.

The ritual drum can be made with 11, 10, 9, 8 and seven sides. I mainly do 9 sides. It can also be circular.

This Drum can be in various sizes which we can discuss upon enquiry or ordering.

I use kangaroo, deer, or goat skins for this drum and it has a solid wood frame made by me.

9-Sided Ritual Drum
(16 inches)​

8-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​

9-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​

9-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​


"It's time to climb the Mountain to find a cave deep within the spiraling life force energy of the Mountain Spirit. Sit and hear your heart beat feeling the call to make you Ancient Shamanic Drum."

With the beat of your heart and the beat of your drum, you climb to the top of the mountain, meeting Great Spirit. Dance Dear One, Dance the spiralling energy of life."

16-Inch Shamanic Drum

16-Inch Shamanic Drum

The Shamanic Drum is rich in thousands of years of ancient history.

This style of drum is more known in Siberia and Native America.

The Shamanic drum is rich in thousands of years of ancient history.

This style of drum is more known in Siberia and Native America.

In traditional times, it was known for a shaman or medicine woman or man to receive their drum was a many days insinuation. They say that the wood would have come from a lightning-struck tree because of the power this tree holds.

The animal skin will be there power animal when working in the healing realms.

The shamans use their drums to create an altered state of consciousness to evoke the spirit world

and the ancient healers to walk side by side with them for healing and gathering wisdom from the natural world.

These drums are predominately played with a beater. They can be played with the hands as well,

though to tones are deeper due to the Shamanic drums having a ticker skin.

Shamanic drums are 14inch - 16inch. If the skins are really large I may be able to do a 17-inch.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your Sacred Shamanic drum.


"Women - come gather round, it's time to remember, remember your ancient ways of the divine feminine. I offer you the gift of making your Ancient feminine instrument, the Timbral. Your instrument of power and love. The instrument of ancient wisdom, bringing ecstatic joy and dance” Mmerium the Prossphress from the Old testament is know for leading the way with her Timbal, playing and singing with women following her. Miriam the prophetess… took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dancing. —Exodus 15:20

This drum is depicted in many ancient pictures from the middle east of goddesses and priestesses​.

The Timbral is our ancient feminine instrument from thousands of years ago. It's a small handheld frame drum that is traditionally played with both hands, though it can also be played with a small beater.

It is an open-back drum with a solid wood Frame made by me. The skin will be either kangaroo or goat. The diameter of this drum is 12 inches

It's time to bring this drum back into the hands of women - so you can bring back the lost part of deep feminine bloodlines of the Frame Drum.​

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your Sacred Timbral.

I can also make them on consignment.

Learning the simple playing techniques are included. Ongoing support with playing is available afterwards if required.


“Take the Heroine’s decent into the lower world, allowing the veils of the self to drop one gate way to another, as you meet the darkness. Allow what needs to die ~ die, so you can become whole and live free. Travel to the upper world and allow the 8 pointed star to bless you with light."

The Inanna drum will guide you there, holding you with love and protection.

22-Inch Inanna Drum

20-Inch Inanna Drum

22-Inch Inanna Drum

This drum is in honour of the goddess Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

There is an ancient poem from Nippur, a cultural and spiritual centre in Sumer, recounts the story of Inanna’s decent into to the lower world ruled by her dark sister, Ereshkigal, who is known as Queen of the Underworld.

It is said that after 3 days and 3 nights, the goddess Ninshubar, as instructed by Inanna, set up a lament, beating the drum to summons the gods for Inanna’s return.

The is also another myth about Inanna called The Huluppu-Tree.

Inanna was worshiped in Sumer as early as the Uruk period, 4000 BCE – 3100 BCE. She is the goddess of love, war (divine lore), fertility, beauty and sex. She is know for sacred marriage and union through her and the god Dumuzi.

Her symbols are the hook-shaped knot of reeds, eight-pointed star, lion, rosette and dove. Inanna is associated with the planet Venus. She is also known as Ishtar.

The Inanna drum is a lager hand held or lap style drum that is open backed and is predominately played with both hands, though a beater can be used too.

I use goat or kangaroo skins. The frame is a solid wood frame made by me.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your sacred Inanna drum.

I can also make them on consignment.

Learning the simple playing techniques are included. On going support in playing in available afterwards if required.



Thank you Naomi for my first healing session. I had no idea what to expect but I felt safe and nurtured. I experienced the most gentle and profound rebirthing in the beautiful space you held with a deep sense of sacredness. I most certainly look forward to working with you again.


Suz Smith

Naomi is the real deal, she is authentic and her shamanic healing helped me more than I could ever have dreamed possible – I am so very grateful Naomi has also done some wonderful work with my horse, uncovering amazing insight and healing. I can’t speak highly enough of Naomi and would not hesitate to recommend her! Thank you for doing the amazing work you do.


Kim Van Dort

Naomi is a beautiful soul. She has helped guide me through a very tough phase and has been able to allow me to really ‘feel’ and no longer be ‘stuck’. I would highly recommend her healing sessions and animal communication services to anyone. ♡♡♡


Lisa Harris

Naomi is the real deal, she is authentic and her shamanic healing helped me more than I could ever have dreamed possible – I am so very grateful Naomi has also done some wonderful work with my horse, uncovering amazing insight and healing. I can’t speak highly enough of Naomi and would not hesitate to recommend her!

Thank you for doing the amazing work you do.



Such a beautiful workshop, joining together with like-minded women honouring and following the ancestral journey of the sacred Timbral. Naomi is a devoted follower within this ancient art of drum making and embraces every aspect of the journey within herself, enabling her to share the process with others, drawing women back towards honouring that place of spirit within themselves. At no point throughout the process, from the first step of choosing the skin which was placed upon sacred land for us to connect to, to the birthing of the drum did I feel at a loss as what to do, Naomi's skilful guidance and support was given throughout with love and absolute presence. The ancestral lineage of land and drum-making process was honoured throughout our time together. Naomi continues the support with short videos on how to practice playing, which is an absolute bonus. Thank you for the opportunity to experience the wonderful journey with yourself and the other women

With gratitude Jackie.


Manuela King

I was the lucky participant of Naomi's Timbral drum workshop a few weeks back. The journey she took us on, from gathering as a women’s group to choosing our precious kangaroo skins and making this sacred women’s instrument whose lineage goes back thousands of years was out of this world. Connecting with the spirit of the kangaroo that had chosen me and once walked this earth in paddocks and bushland ……and for me to be called to once more breathe life and sound into its being has been a magical experience. Not only does it breathe again through the drum, more importantly, it now gives its breath for the healing of others. I feel deeply connected to him, an element that cannot be found in large-scale drum manufacturing. The group of women that had come together on that day was like a ‘homecoming’. Women gathering in sacred space, sharing stories, laughter and also some tears is so nourishing to our souls. It is deeply moving when a group of women gather to awaken the sacred feminine, held by a woman whos spiritual journey is exactly that and then grow closer during the few days through sharing their pain and joy in becoming the woman they are today. Thank you, Naomi… I feel very blessed to be walking this path with you. Thank you also to the women of this group and all the women on their sacred journey.



“Your heart is calling ~ calling to the beat and rhythm of Mother Earth ~ calling to the beat and

rhythm of Life ~ calling to your inner Love ~ Dear one, allow the Frame Drum to take you there”

Back in 2017, I had a calling from my heart and soul to make my frame drum. I found myself in the Perth Hills ready

to birth my first frame drum. While making my drum, it took me to a place where I felt at home, my body just knew

what to do. From this day, I knew that I was going to be helping others to find and birth their Sacred Drum.

As time went on, I still held it strong in my heart that one day I will find my teacher to learn the sacred art of frame

drum making. It all started to unfold in 2020 when I was making another drum at a woman’s retreat. I found out

that their teacher was Jane Elworthy. I wasn’t in the right place to think too much more about it, though Jane

remained in my mind. Then 2022 arrived and one evening I found myself calling Jane Elworthy to find out if she

was thinking of taking on any apprentices. When I asked her this she said “Funny you should ask, because yesterday

I was just thinking, maybe its time to take on an apprentice” And so it was, at the end of November 2022 my car was

packed and I was heading across the Nullarbor with Broken Hill being my destination to meet Jane and learn the

Sacred art of Frame Drum making. The frame drum is apart of my everyday life ~ be it in my morning meditation

and journeying ~ Shamanic healing sessions and animal communication or for energy clearing on the land and

around my home.

My horses have and continue to benefit from being drummed. Also other animals benefit from drumming.

The drum has the power to shift stuck energy through its healing frequencies, sound and rhythm.


9-Sided Ritual Drum
(16 inches)​

8-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​

9-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​

9-Sided Travel Size Ritual Drum
(12.5 inches)​

“The woods are calling ~ Lets go walking in the early hours of the morning, before the sun has shown

himself and all is still and quiet. You are called to follow your heart. First you come to a river where you cross,

submerging your self fully.

As you are in the wild waters you see a young deer trying to climb the bank,

though she keeps slipping and falling in to the water. Calmly you approach her offering to help her up the bank.

She excepts. Gathering your strength, you gently push her from behind, helping her to the top. She turns

and thanks you. As you climb the bank, where the deer stood you find a raw hide. You know to take it. So you do,

with blessings and gratitude. You continue your journey. Across your path lays a fallen tree with an enormous

trunk and the only way forward is to climb it, so you do. As you arrive on the other side, there is a beautiful

hand-crafted hoop made from the fallen tree. You know to take it, and so you do with blessings and gratitude.

As you continue on you path, a mother Wolf is standing in front for you with a cub by her side. Your heart

is racing not knowing what to do. You breath slowly, opening your heart and the wolf connects, feeling

the stillness from your slow, full breath. Mind to mind, the wolf shows you that her cub has got a very sharp

twig pierced into his foot and can’t walk. With a knowing you have to remove the sharp twig, you do.

The cub and mother Wolf are grateful.

You look down at the twig and you see that it is growing into a small branch. You know you are to keep this.

So you do. Up ahead you smell the sweet scent of sacred incense. There is natural circular clearing in the trees.

A Medicine Woman is standing next to a fire playing her drum.

She calls you forward and you place your sacred items on the ground.

You both look at each other eye to eye, heart to heart, and you know its time to birth your Ritual Drum.

And so you do”.

Let's create a ritual together!

The Ritual Drum is an open-backed drum that has a stick through the middle for the handle. Its play

predominately with a beater and can be played with the hands. The ritual drum can be made with 11,10, 9,8

and seven sides. I manly do 9 sides. It can also be circular.

This drum can be in various sizes which we can discus upon enquiry or ordering.

I use kangaroo, deer or goat skins for this drum and it has a solid wood frame made by me.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your Sacred Ritual Drum.


16-Inch Shamanic Drum

16-Inch Shamanic Drum

“It's time to climb the Mountain to find a cave deep within the spiralling life force energy of the Mountain Spirit.

Sit and hear you heart beat feeling the call to make you Ancient Shamanic Drum. With the beat of your heart and

the beat of your drum, you climb to the top of the mountain, meeting Great Spirit. Dance Dear One,

dance the spiralling energy of life. ”

The Shamanic drum is rich in thousand of years of ancient history. This style of drum is more know in Siberia

and Native America. In traditional times, its was known for a shaman or medicine woman or man to receive their

drum was a many days insinuation. They say that the wood would have come from a lightning-stuck

tree because of the power this tree holds. The animal skin will be there power animal when working in the healing

realms. The shamans use their drums to create an altered state of consciousness to evoke the spirit world and

the ancient healers to walk side by side with them for healing and to gathering wisdom from the natural world.

These drums are predominately played with a beater. They can be played with the hands as well, though to tones

are deeper due to the Shamanic drums having a ticker skin.

Shamanic drums are 14inch - 16inch. If the skins are really large I maybe able to do a 17inch.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your Sacred Shamanic drum.


“Women ~ come gather round, it’s time to remember, remember your ancient ways of the divine

feminine. I offer you the gift of making your Ancient feminine instrument, the Timbral. Your

instrument of power and love. The instrument of ancient wisdom, bringing ecstatic joy and dance”

“Women ~ come gather round, it’s time to remember, remember your ancient ways of the divine feminine.

I offer you the gift of making your Ancient feminine instrument, the Timbral. Your instrument of power and love.

The instrument of ancient wisdom, bringing ecstatic joy and dance”

Mmerium the Prossphress from the Old Testament is known for leading the way with her Timbal, playing and

singing with women following her. Miriam the prophetess… took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women went

out after her with timbrels and with dancing.

—Exodus 15:20

This drum is depicted in many ancient pictures form the middle east of goddesses and priestesses. The Timbral

is our ancient feminine instrument from thousands of years ago. Its a small hand held frame drum that is

traditionally played with both hands, though it can also be played with a small beater.

It is an open back drum with a solid wood Frame made by me. The skin will be either kangaroo or goat.

The diameter of this drum is 12 inches Its time to bring this drum back into the hands of women ~ so you can

bring back a lost part of your deep feminine blood lines of the Frame Drum.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your Sacred Timbral.

I can also make them on consignment.

Learning the simple playing techniques are included.

On going support with playing is available afterwards if required.


“Take the Heroine’s decent into the lower world, allowing the veils of the self to drop one gate way

to another, as you meet the darkness. Allow what needs to die ~ die, so you can become whole and

live free. Travel to the upper world and allow the 8-pointed star to bless you with light. The Inanna drum will

guide you there, holding you with love and protection”

22-Inch Inanna Drum

20-Inch Inanna Drum

22-Inch Inanna Drum

This drum is in honour of the goddess Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. There is an ancient poem from Nippur, a cultural and spiritual centre in Sumer, recounts the story of Inanna’s decent into to the lower world ruled by her dark sister, Ereshkigal, who is known as Queen of the Underworld.

It is said that after 3 days and 3 nights, the goddess Ninshubar, as instructed by Inanna, set up a lament,

beating the drum to summons the gods for Inanna’s return. The is also another myth about Inanna called The Huluppu-Tree. Inanna was worshiped in Sumer as early as the Uruk period ,  4000 BCE – 3100 BCE. She is the

goddess of love, war (divine lore), fertility, beauty and sex. She is know for sacred marriage and

union through her and the god Dumuzi. Her symbols are the hook-shaped knot of reeds, eight-pointed star, lion, rosette and dove. Inanna is associated with the planet Venus. She is also known as Ishtar The Inanna drum is a

larger hand held or lap style drum that is open backed and is predominately played with both hands, though a

beater can be used too.

I use goat or kangaroo skins. The frame is a solid wood frame made by me.

I facilitate retreats of 3 days rich in ceremony and healing to birth your sacred Inanna drum.

I can also make them on consignment.

Learning the simple playing techniques are included. On going support in playing in available

afterwards if required.



Naomi was able to ease the tension in my body enough for me to realise where it was coming from. At times I was in uncharted territory and her guidance and attention was very supportive. The session resolved some issues for me that had been troubling me.



Thank you Naomi for my first healing session. I had no idea what to expect but I felt safe and nurtured. I experienced the most gentle and profound rebirthing in the beautiful space you held with a deep sense of sacredness. I most certainly look forward to working with you again.


Suz Smith

Naomi is the real deal, she is authentic and her shamanic healing helped me more than I could ever have dreamed possible – I am so very grateful Naomi has also done some wonderful work with my horse, uncovering amazing insight and healing. I can’t speak highly enough of Naomi and would not hesitate to recommend her! Thank you for doing the amazing work you do.


Kim Van Dort

Naomi is a beautiful soul. She has helped guide me through a very

tough phase and has been able to allow me to really ‘feel’ and no longer be ‘stuck’. I would highly recommend her healing sessions and animal communication services to anyone. ♡♡♡


Lisa Harris

Naomi is the real deal, she is authentic and her shamanic healing helped me more than I could ever have dreamed possible – I am so very grateful Naomi has also done some wonderful work with my horse, uncovering amazing insight and healing. I can’t speak highly enough of Naomi and would not hesitate to recommend her!

Thank you for doing the amazing work you do.



Such a beautiful workshop, joining together with like-minded women honouring and following the ancestral journey of the sacred Timbral. Naomi is a devoted follower within this ancient art of drum making and embraces every aspect of the journey within herself, enabling her to share the process with others, drawing women back towards honouring that place of spirit within themselves. At no point throughout the process, from the first step of choosing the skin which was placed upon sacred land for us to connect to, to the birthing of the drum did I feel at a loss as what to do, Naomi's skilful guidance and support was given throughout with love and absolute presence. The ancestral lineage of land and drum-making process was honoured throughout our time together. Naomi continues the support with short videos on how to practice playing, which is an absolute bonus. Thank you for the opportunity to experience the wonderful journey with yourself and the other women

With gratitude Jackie.


Manuela King

I was the lucky participant of Naomi's Timbral drum workshop a few weeks back. The journey she took us on, from gathering as a women’s group to choosing our precious kangaroo skins and making this sacred women’s instrument whose lineage goes back thousands of years was out of this world. Connecting with the spirit of the kangaroo that had chosen me and once walked this earth in paddocks and bushland ……and for me to be called to once more breathe life and sound into its being has been a magical experience. Not only does it breathe again through the drum, more importantly, it now gives its breath for the healing of others. I feel deeply connected to him, an element that cannot be found in large-scale drum manufacturing. The group of women that had come together on that day was like a ‘homecoming’. Women gathering in sacred space, sharing stories, laughter and also some tears is so nourishing to our souls. It is deeply moving when a group of women gather to awaken the sacred feminine, held by a woman whos spiritual journey is exactly that and then grow closer during the few days through sharing their pain and joy in becoming the woman they are today. Thank you, Naomi… I feel very blessed to be walking this path with you. Thank you also to the women of this group and all the women on their sacred journey.


I acknowledge the tradition people of this land that I stand upon. I give gratitude to the Elders, past, present and emerging who hold and have held the healing pulse through song and story that is weaved into the Earth and The Cosmos. It is a privilege to be heard on this land and I pray that our work supports this land, the waters, spirits, the plants, the animals and the humans. With much Love and Gratidude always.